At The Rock Academy, we love BIG!
Call Us: 334-614-8098
We will provide your child with an in-person learning experience where students can
develop their gifts and callings as they learn to know Him and make Him known.
Important Information
Uniforms are optional this year for K-5, but they are strongly recommended. We encourage all grades to join the new fashion trend!
Uniforms are: Affordable for families, create unity and decrease behavior, bullying, and peer pressure
Children's Place Online is the most affordable option. Colors are: Navy, Teal, White, and Grey for shirts. Pants are Navy, Khaki, and jeans.
Male and female options are available.
School shirts are welcome any day.
Embroidery and accessories coming soon. We will announce them on groupme.​
Upcoming Events
Meet the teacher, Tuesday, August 13th
5:00-6:00PM, K-5th Grade​
6:00-7:00PM, K-12th Grade
7:00-8:00PM, 6th-12 Grade
First day of school, Thursday, August 15th